Grantees & Participants

ACTA's grantees and participants are at the heart of our mission to support and uplift traditional arts and cultural practices. They represent a vibrant tapestry of talented individuals, organizations, and communities who are dedicated to preserving and sharing their cultural heritage. Through our grants and contracts, we provide resources, funding, and opportunities for these artists and organizations to further develop their artistic practice and engage with their communities.

On the left, explore an interactive Google Map showcasing all our grantees and award recipients. Zoom in and click on the markers to learn more about each grantee.

Below, explore a table of participants in our Apprenticeship Program, Living Cultures Grant, Taproot Fellowship, and other past grant and contract programs. Click on each highlighted field to expand the entry. Use the Filter option to set conditions and narrow down the data by year, artist name, city, and more. You can also use the Sort feature to organize the information based on your preferences.

  • “ACTA injects us with creative potential to honor, energize, regenerate, support, and protect our cultural stories, artistry, and wisdom for generations to come.”

    PJ Hirabayashi, Living Cultures grantee, Apprenticeship Program participant, and Sounds of California partner

  • “It’s very heartening to work with an organization that understands the enduring value of the small and non-professional, of the down-home and non-commercial, of the back porch as opposed to the stadium arena.”

    Suzy Thompson, Living Cultures grantee

  • “The traditional arts would be at a loss if ACTA had not been there to keep them alive and growing.”

    Vicki Filgas Trevino, Emeritus board member

  • “Immigrants to the United States come from countries with rich cultural traditions. It’s vital we keep them alive for future generations and weave them into the American cultural fabric.”

    Shirley Kazuyo Muramoto, Apprenticeship Program master artist